
Random and unofficial insights and happenings at Football Tournaments nationally from the officials perspective

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday 11th July, Day 2 - Games begin

Hey KCYRA fans (perhaps getting a bit ahead of myself),

Well a very busy and exhausting Day 2 of the YRA is over and once again I find myself alone at the keyboard, keen to update on the happens as I saw them today. First day of action on the fields and the referees were very keen and ready to blow those whistles this morning. Early risers started appearing from 5am for a 6:30am breakfast - just hope they can keep this up!!!!

Lots of excitment and buzz in the common area on Sunday night, partly from the seminar by Ben Williams (FIFA Referee) but mostly from the appointments being released online. You can download them at the link on the left of the blog - Kanga Cup Appointments

Amazing what a bit of nervous do - several referees had their noses in the LOTG this morning instead of watching cartoons on the TV, some with interesting questions on the laws.

With seven venues, busses started to depart at 7:30am and everyone was off to their first day of competition. I was located at O'Connor with David London as Refs Coordinator and a nice crisp but dry morning greeted us. Settled into the refs room, inspected the 5 fields, David tried his hand at a bit of technical area marking (not greatly successful) until we found a builder who could draw a straight line with better precision - thanks Hayden.

Games ko on time at 9:30am , with a mix of U/12 and U/18 matches rotating all day. Everyone I saw performed really well and apart from some Bike Pants issues (when is this issue going to be resolved, its been law for atleast 5 years???), a great day of strong performances from the YRA guys was seen.

Upon return to BCL everyone caughtup on the events at other venues, dinner was welcomed at 6pm (Chicken Schnitchel) and we had the pleasure of Ben Wilson (recently retired FIFA AR) giving a presentation on AR's at Elite level. Positives / Negatives for the day was discussed, along with housekeeping issues, Roadblocks in refereeing and some birthday cake for the three birthdays in the group this week - I'll get back to you on those names, as they escape me right now

38 referees were seen today by the referee coaches, with a hopeful chance of similar numbers tommorrow. Potentially all 108 by Wednesday, with several to be seen twice is the current estimate. This will give the coaches the best possible chance to select the best of the best for the finals and also greatly improve the quality of refereeing locally with everyone having a evaluation to take away at the end of Kanga 2011.

I'll try and post some twitter posts on Tuesday @kangacupref and try for a earlier update to the blog.

Finally, pictures are now going to be posted on the Ausref flickr stream - link on the right side of the blog - its a good place online for them, allows folks without FB (evil) access easier and many thanks once again to Scott Ferguson, great friend to the referees here at Kanga for his generous donation of the usage of his account over the years and continuing this year.

p.s Notes on the local Wide Bay crew, good day was had by all three, good inspection reports with areas to improve, and they seem to be having a good time!!!!!!!

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