
Random and unofficial insights and happenings at Football Tournaments nationally from the officials perspective

Monday, July 16, 2012

KCRYA Photos All Uploaded

Hey everyone,

All the photos from KCRYA have now been uploaded (I think).  David L has some more that I'll pester him to send to me as we had technical difficulties getting his card into a reader on Friday night.  The only finals venue that I don't have pictures for is AIS Synthethic, so if you have some drop me a line and we can get them into the flickr feed for everyone to access / download.

Once again, happy to have them cross posted onto FB or anywhere, but attribution of the owner is requested and definiately no using them for commercial purposes without asking first please (as occured with 2011's pics).

I have some videos that I'll load somewhere once I get more time / bandwidth.  Flickr limits video to 90 seconds, so the hrs of presentation material may have to go to someplace like Dropbox or Google Drive.  Anyone have any recommendations or suggestions I be happy to hear peoples preferences.

Brilliant to see everyone gathering online and sharing stories and memories.  It was a brilliant week by everyone and I'd ask that you quietly promote the event in the most positive fashion you feel comfortable with, to change perceptions.  And the best way you can do this is to take all that you learnt during the week and apply it on the field / infront of assessors this weekend and into your local finals. 

Finally, attended FB Junior Coach night in the last few hours (Nth Side).  Was able to catch up with about half the guys (and one girl) from KCRYA.  They were very excitely showing assessment reports, talking about the experience and creating a buzz.  Very proud to say I now know these young people who positively represented themselves at an International Tournament, showing the personal qualities of respect, pride and committment for the uniform they wear. Well done for showing up tonight, it was a big week.

Good luck for the upcoming final rounds and finals in the next few weeks.  I'm off to actually do some paid work for the next few days (should be like a holiday to go canoeing / hiking as compared to KCRYA management), but hope to do some online feedback and perhaps gather your thoughts on 2013 in the coming weeks.

Signing off for now......


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